C# Naming Conventions

Overview of naming conventions within c#

Naming Conventions

In c#, there are several naming conventions that are commonly followed for different types of elements. Here are some of the commonly used naming conventions:


Class names are typically written in PascalCase, which means that the first letter of each word in the name is capitalized. For example, HomeController or ProductService.


Interface names are also written in PascalCase and typically start with the capital letter "I" followed by the rest of the interface name. For example, IRepository or ILogger.


Method names are written in PascalCase as well. They should be named using clear and descriptive verbs or verb phrases. For example, GetAllProducts() or SaveOrder().


Property names are written in PascalCase. They should be named using nouns or noun phrases that represent the underlying data they hold. For example, FirstName or IsCompleted.


Parameter names are written in camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter. They should be named based on the purpose of the parameter and should be descriptive. For example, productId or customerName.

Local variables

Local variable names are also written in camelCase. They should be named in a descriptive manner, indicating their purpose within the scope they are used. For example, totalAmount or currentUser.


Constant names are typically written in uppercase with words separated by underscores. For example, MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.

Private fields

Private field names are also written in camelCase, starting with a lowercase letter. They should be prefixed with an underscore to distinguish them from other types of identifiers. For example, _id or _isActive.

It's important to note that these naming conventions are not enforced by the c# framework itself but are widely used in the community to promote consistency and readability in code. Following these conventions can make your code more understandable for other developers working on the same project and adhere to common practices in the c# ecosystem.